Company - Legal Notice
This website is operated by ScreenJet Limited, 8 College Street, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England, United Kingdom, GL1 2NE.
Whilst we believe that information provided through the ScreenJet website is correct at the time of creation, ScreenJet makes no representation or warranty concerning it, any hypertext links or any other information obtained directly or indirectly from ScreenJet, and accepts no liability for any inaccuracies or omissions in the website.
All information is provided and is to be used on the understanding that ScreenJet will not be liable for any loss, liability, damage or expense of whatever kind arising, whether wholly or indirectly, in consequence of the use of, or any reliance placed upon, such information by the visitor to the website, or any other person.
Viruses: We have taken steps to try and ensure that our products, this website, and all emails and attachments emanating from ScreenJet Limited are free from any virus. However in keeping with good computing practice we advise that the recipient should ensure they are actually virus free.
Export: It is not permitted to distribute this software in any form to countries that are under American, Canadian or British Export Restrictions.
ScreenJet reserves the right to make changes and corrections to this website at any time without notice.
Any visitor providing information to or through the ScreenJet website agrees that ScreenJet has unlimited rights to use and publish such information in any way it chooses. Note that this does not apply to registration details which are bound by relevant data protection acts and personal preferences as expressed on your registration form.